David Wilder was born on October 2nd, 1986. Currently he is 13 years old. He hasn't had a troubled life, but it hasn't always been pleasant. When he was 11, a boy on his bus, whom he had known for 6 years, was choked by David. David's temper isn't always very bad but hopefully will carryover to the music. When 12, he was dubbed the name "tits" because people in his classes thought he was fat. He never took it personally but the anger grew and soon he broke the glass on the door to the seventh grade. Luckily, no one knew about it. David plays trombone in school, bass guitar, and mandolin (just goofing off) at home. David's first attempt at a band failed because many of the members (all of them) did not ever seem extremely excited about it. Hopefully his new band (un-named, currently) will be a little better. |